US Income Date By Zip Code


Madison, Wisconsin (Dane County)

2017 Income Statistics

Median Income$55,758
Median Income Margin of Error$2,449
Number of Households20525
Number of Households Margin of Error399
Median Income for Families$70630
Median Income Families Margin of Error$3815
Number of Families10548
Number of Families Margin of Error433

2016 Income Statistics

Number of Returns25140
Average Income (Based on AGI)$61,645
Average Salary/Wage$41,569
Number of Returns with Total Income25140
Number of Dependents10630
Adjusted Gross Income Amount (For Zip Code)$1,549,757,000
Total Income Amount (For Zip Code)$1,573,808,000
Salary and Wage Amount$1,045,045,000
Returns with State and Local Tax Refunds5190
Number of Returns with Net Capital Gains4270
Number of Farm Returns50
Number of Returns with Social Security Benefits3220
Number of returns with student loan interest deduction3670
Number of returns with real estate taxes7310
Number of returns with mortgage interest paid6140
Number of returns with taxable income20910
Number of returns with alternative minimum tax420

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