US Income Date By Zip Code


Osceola, Wisconsin (Polk County)

2017 Income Statistics

Median Income$61,198
Median Income Margin of Error$4,647
Number of Households2794
Number of Households Margin of Error96
Median Income for Families$74653
Median Income Families Margin of Error$4438
Number of Families1960
Number of Families Margin of Error100

2016 Income Statistics

Number of Returns3630
Average Income (Based on AGI)$59,419
Average Salary/Wage$44,838
Number of Returns with Total Income3630
Number of Dependents1980
Adjusted Gross Income Amount (For Zip Code)$215,690,000
Total Income Amount (For Zip Code)$218,989,000
Salary and Wage Amount$162,763,000
Returns with State and Local Tax Refunds820
Number of Returns with Net Capital Gains610
Number of Farm Returns90
Number of Returns with Social Security Benefits540
Number of returns with student loan interest deduction470
Number of returns with real estate taxes1270
Number of returns with mortgage interest paid1100
Number of returns with taxable income3060
Number of returns with alternative minimum tax70

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